Surayut Prasong

Surayut Prasong Email and Phone Number

Software Developer @ Makro
suan luang, bangkok, thailand

Surayut Prasong's Current Company Details


Software Developer
suan luang, bangkok, thailand

Surayut Prasong Work Experience

    Software Developer
    Saitech Solution Co., Ltd May 21 - May 22 · 1 yr
    Bangkok, Thailand
    Work closely with project managers, other developers, Business analysts, Product owner, and Client user.- Write and test code to ensure compatibility and stability: refine and rewrite as necessary.- Using Mendix, Oracle Database, RESTful API
    Software Engineer
    M Intelligence Co., Ltd Aug 20 - Apr 21 · 8 mos
    Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
    Designed and coded CRM Software and integration testing using Salesforce- Used Apex (Base on JAVA), OSQL, Lightning component, Visualforce page, Vue JS, HTML, CSS, Javascript
    Associate Software Engineer
    Aware Group Jun 19 - Jul 20 · 1 yr 1 mo
    Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
    Designed, develop and test Java based solutions (Mobile Care team, Pre-paid, Post- paid).- Followed Agile Software methodologies for development.- Used Spring framework, Hibernate, Struts framework, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Oracle Database
    Software Developer
    Makro Jun 22 - Present · 2 yrs 8 mos
    Suan Luang, Bangkok, Thailand
    Work closely with project managers, other developers, Business analysts, Product owner, and Client user.- Write and test code to ensure compatibility and stability: refine and rewrite as necessary. - Using Mendix, Oracle Database, RESTful API

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Frequently Asked Questions about Surayut Prasong

What company does Surayut Prasong work for?

Surayut Prasong works for Makro

What is Surayut Prasong's role in his/her workplace?

Surayut Prasong's role in his/her workplace is Software Developer.

Which industry does Surayut Prasong work in currently?

Surayut Prasong works in the industry Wholesale.

Who are Surayut Prasong's colleagues?

Surayut Prasong's colleagues are Panyawat Aekitsawatwikul, Panyawat Aekitsawatwikul, Wanjak Panajarern, Wanjak Panajarern, Peera Maranete, Peera Maranete, Phakawat Tupchumpon, Phakawat Tupchumpon, Kowit Yunoo, Kowit Yunoo, and Warisara Nuruk. and Phattharee K.

Who are Surayut Prasong's peers at other companies?

Surayut Prasong's peers at other companies are Erwan Volant, Evgeniya Sinenko, Giorgio Vitrani, Luis Túnez, Rhea Wesselius, and Freddy Hoflack. and Elaine Lebeau. Surayut Prasong's peers at other companies are Erwan Volant, Evgeniya Sinenko, Giorgio Vitrani, Luis Túnez, Rhea Wesselius, and Freddy Hoflack. and Elaine Lebeau.