Stefan Sura

Stefan Sura Email and Phone Number

palo alto, california, united states

Stefan Sura's Current Company Details


palo alto, california, united states

Stefan Sura Work Experience

    Customer Experience Specialist
    Tesla Feb 18 - Aug 18 · 6 mos
    Palo Alto, California, United States
    Educated and excited customers about the possibility of driving a Tesla.
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    1st year student at the University of Calgary. Pursuing a Bachelor of Science in the field of Physics. Interest in quantum computing.
    Summer Research Student
    Barclay Quantum Nanophotonics Laboratory End date missing
    Information Security Policy Developer
    Ice Health Systems May 16 - Aug 16 · 3 mos
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Developed information security policies in order to ensure compliance with international information security standards including ISO and CCM. Identified key information security concerns and developed policies to prevent hacking.
    Co Owner
    The Tie Guys Apr 15 - Sep 15 · 5 mos
    Brand development, customer relations manager, day to day operations, sales manager, marketing manager, financial manager, strategic development manager.
    Jdc West- Team Haskayne Feb 16 - Feb 17 · 1 yr
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Team leader, Charity coordinator, Academic coordinator, Sponsorship coordinator, and Marketing coordinator.
    Tesla Advisor
    Tesla Aug 18 - Dec 21 · 3 yrs 4 mos
    Palo Alto, California, United States
    Sales of Tesla cars for the Western Canadian market.

Stefan Sura Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Stefan Sura

What company does Stefan Sura work for?

Stefan Sura works for Tesla

Which industry does Stefan Sura work in currently?

Stefan Sura works in the industry Automotive.

What schools did Stefan Sura attend?

Stefan Sura attended University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary. and Haskayne School Of Business.

Who are Stefan Sura's colleagues?

Stefan Sura's colleagues are Florian Krämer, Florian Krämer, Linda Yu, Linda Yu, Kai Zhang, Kai Zhang, Chaowen Zhang, Chaowen Zhang, Olivia Tuazon, Olivia Tuazon, and Lison A. and Jerica Duey.

Who are Stefan Sura's peers at other companies?

Stefan Sura's peers at other companies are Pamela Yang, Brandon Hurteau, Kaan Koyluer, Jc De March, Alejandro Galvis, and Chuck Karl. and Sarah Devani. Stefan Sura's peers at other companies are Pamela Yang, Brandon Hurteau, Kaan Koyluer, Jc De March, Alejandro Galvis, and Chuck Karl. and Sarah Devani.