Smith Angi

Smith Angi Email and Phone Number

lincoln, lincolnshire, united kingdom

Smith Angi's Current Company Details

United Lincolnshire Hospitals Nhs Trust

Program Manager
lincoln, lincolnshire, united kingdom
Hospital & Health Care
Program Manager at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Smith Angi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Smith Angi

What company does Smith Angi work for?

Smith Angi works for United Lincolnshire Hospitals Nhs Trust

What is Smith Angi's role in his/her workplace?

Smith Angi's role in his/her workplace is Program Manager.

Which industry does Smith Angi work in currently?

Smith Angi works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

Who are Smith Angi's colleagues?

Smith Angi's colleagues are Ashok Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Megan Proctor, Megan Proctor, Michelle White, Michelle White, Sarah Mahumot, Sarah Mahumot, Paul Mifiree, Paul Mifiree, and Mary Carratt. and Sandie Smailes.

Who are Smith Angi's peers at other companies?

Smith Angi's peers at other companies are Esme Ward, Arnel Carmona, Claire G, Kimberly Marsee, Andrea Johnson, and Adelaide Witherspoon. and Mary Kroon. Smith Angi's peers at other companies are Esme Ward, Arnel Carmona, Claire G, Kimberly Marsee, Andrea Johnson, and Adelaide Witherspoon. and Mary Kroon.