Shweta Pandya

Shweta Pandya Email and Phone Number

Director @ Allergan
coolock, leinster, ireland

Shweta Pandya's Contact Information

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Shweta Pandya's Current Company Details


coolock, leinster, ireland

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Frequently Asked Questions about Shweta Pandya

What company does Shweta Pandya work for?

Shweta Pandya works for Allergan

What is Shweta Pandya's role in his/her workplace?

Shweta Pandya's role in his/her workplace is Director.

Which industry does Shweta Pandya work in currently?

Shweta Pandya works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

What is Shweta Pandya's email address?

Shweta Pandya's email address is

What schools did Shweta Pandya attend?

Shweta Pandya attended St. John's University.

What is Shweta Pandya's role in his workplace?

Shweta Pandya has skills like Pharmaceutical Industry, Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Development, and Pharmacy.

Who are Shweta Pandya's colleagues?

Shweta Pandya's colleagues are Sadhika Chhabra, Sadhika Chhabra, Milton Pinto, Milton Pinto, Lance Moore, Lance Moore, João Santos, João Santos, Carina De Lima, Carina De Lima, and Tyler Young. and Wanting Wang.

Who are Shweta Pandya's peers at other companies?

Shweta Pandya's peers at other companies are Alexandra Ollivier, Soumya Ghosh, Erika Deleon, Ganesh Zanwar, Dheeraj Paramkusham, and Felipe Dupuy. and Landon Clark. Shweta Pandya's peers at other companies are Alexandra Ollivier, Soumya Ghosh, Erika Deleon, Ganesh Zanwar, Dheeraj Paramkusham, and Felipe Dupuy. and Landon Clark.