Scott Lowe

Scott Lowe Email and Phone Number

Owner And Operator @ Seekers Coffee House & Cafe
evansville, indiana, united states

Scott Lowe's Contact Details

Scott Lowe work email

Scott Lowe personal email


Scott Lowe's Current Company Details

Seekers Coffee House & Cafe

Owner And Operator
evansville, indiana, united states
Marketing And Advertising
Owner/Operator at Seekers Coffee House & Cafe

Scott Lowe Work Experience

    Financial Administrative Assistant
    Metroport Cities Fellowship Oct 03 - Jul 07 · 3 yrs 9 mos
    * Assisted with data entry, accounts payables, processed weekly offerings * Helped with book keeping and monthly financial statements, bank reconciliation * Administrated monthly departmental budgets, preformed human resource roles * Submitted monthly payroll, employee benefits and new hire orientation
    Financial Advisor
    Spectrum Financial Group Jan 02 - Oct 03 · 1 yr 9 mos
    Dallas, Texas, United States
    * Licensed agent both in securities and insurance * Built a customer base of over 100 clients * Advised them with there financial needs and concerns * Sold over 100 life insurance policies and 6 financial plans.
    Owner And Operator
    Seekers Coffee House & Cafe Nov 05 - Present · 19 yrs 3 mos
    Evansville, Indiana, United States
    * Built 1st store in Texas, created business plan, and secured financing for million dollar project * Established marketing presence for state of Texas: featured on Radio, TV and newspaper, member of four chambers, active local community involvement and created newsletter database of 4,000 members * Responsible for hiring and management of 20 staff (4 managers), scheduling of employees, conducting inventory orders, and book keeping of all financial transactions and bank communications * Created weekly open mic contest, karaoke nights, and booked national and local bands for weekend shows * Produced first year sales of $400,000 and increased sales from 35,000 to 47,000 in one month

Scott Lowe Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Scott Lowe

What company does Scott Lowe work for?

Scott Lowe works for Seekers Coffee House & Cafe

What is Scott Lowe's role in his/her workplace?

Scott Lowe's role in his/her workplace is Owner And Operator.

Which industry does Scott Lowe work in currently?

Scott Lowe works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.

What is Scott Lowe's email address?

Scott Lowe's email address is

What schools did Scott Lowe attend?

Scott Lowe attended Texas A&m University.

Who are Scott Lowe's peers at other companies?

Scott Lowe's peers at other companies are Marén Belger, Steven Mckenzie, Ludovic Bertola, Reg Regos, Paul Fernandez, and Bogdan Zerenidis. and Andreya Prasetia. Scott Lowe's peers at other companies are Marén Belger, Steven Mckenzie, Ludovic Bertola, Reg Regos, Paul Fernandez, and Bogdan Zerenidis. and Andreya Prasetia.