Santos Dos Santos

Santos Dos Santos Email and Phone Number

Encarregado Geral @ Camargo Corrêa Infra

Santos Dos Santos's Current Company Details

Camargo Corrêa Infra

Encarregado Geral

Santos Dos Santos Work Experience

Santos Dos Santos Education

    Escola Raimundo Ribeiro De Souza

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Frequently Asked Questions about Santos Dos Santos

What company does Santos Dos Santos work for?

Santos Dos Santos works for Camargo Corrêa Infra

What is Santos Dos Santos's role in his/her workplace?

Santos Dos Santos's role in his/her workplace is Encarregado Geral.

Which industry does Santos Dos Santos work in currently?

Santos Dos Santos works in the industry Construction.

What schools did Santos Dos Santos attend?

Santos Dos Santos attended Escola Raimundo Ribeiro De Souza.

Who are Santos Dos Santos's colleagues?

Santos Dos Santos's colleagues are Alessandro Monteiro, Alessandro Monteiro, Maria Benedita, Maria Benedita, Paulo Henrique, Paulo Henrique, Carlos Durans, Carlos Durans, Cicleide Da Conceção, Cicleide Da Conceção, and Ediney Costa. and Ide Costa.

Who are Santos Dos Santos's peers at other companies?

Santos Dos Santos's peers at other companies are Linda Lucas, Kayce Duiker, Maeva Pirat, Alexander Reed, Erian Perez, and Jennifer Tulloch. and Andrew D. Santos Dos Santos's peers at other companies are Linda Lucas, Kayce Duiker, Maeva Pirat, Alexander Reed, Erian Perez, and Jennifer Tulloch. and Andrew D.