Sangeeta Singh

Sangeeta Singh Email and Phone Number

bombay, maharashtra, india

Sangeeta Singh's Current Company Details

Aditya Birla Group

bombay, maharashtra, india
Mining & Metals

Sangeeta Singh Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sangeeta Singh

What company does Sangeeta Singh work for?

Sangeeta Singh works for Aditya Birla Group

What is Sangeeta Singh's role in his/her workplace?

Sangeeta Singh's role in his/her workplace is Dealer.

Which industry does Sangeeta Singh work in currently?

Sangeeta Singh works in the industry Mining & Metals.

Who are Sangeeta Singh's colleagues?

Sangeeta Singh's colleagues are Abhinav Khare, Abhinav Khare, Shailendra Gautam, Shailendra Gautam, Tarini Mohapatra, Tarini Mohapatra, Rajendran Visvanathan, Rajendran Visvanathan, Sunita Singh, Sunita Singh, and Logesh Logi. and Vaibhav Sukhwal.

Who are Sangeeta Singh's peers at other companies?

Sangeeta Singh's peers at other companies are Manassah Mark, Kevin Springer, Hamza Soldat, Emerson Antonio, Keni Roberts, and Lazarus Maluleke. and Michael Hallman. Sangeeta Singh's peers at other companies are Manassah Mark, Kevin Springer, Hamza Soldat, Emerson Antonio, Keni Roberts, and Lazarus Maluleke. and Michael Hallman.