Rupali Mahajan

Rupali Mahajan Email and Phone Number

Design Engineer @ Desco Global
pune, maharashtra, india

Rupali Mahajan's Current Company Details

Desco Global

Design Engineer
pune, maharashtra, india
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Design of Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchanger Waste Water Treatment Projects Filteration Techniques Engineering Project Execution Cryogenics

Rupali Mahajan Work Experience

    Design Engineer
    Desco Global 2017 - Present · 8 yrs 1 mo
    Pune, Maharashtra, India

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rupali Mahajan

What company does Rupali Mahajan work for?

Rupali Mahajan works for Desco Global

What is Rupali Mahajan's role in his/her workplace?

Rupali Mahajan's role in his/her workplace is Design Engineer.

Which industry does Rupali Mahajan work in currently?

Rupali Mahajan works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

Who are Rupali Mahajan's colleagues?

Rupali Mahajan's colleagues are Pankaj Kalaskar, Pankaj Kalaskar, Anil Hasabe, Anil Hasabe, Neil Kalson, Neil Kalson, and Aron Wright. and Anuja Gayki.

Who are Rupali Mahajan's peers at other companies?

Rupali Mahajan's peers at other companies are Eleni Evrigeni, Dharam Saini, Camila Vicente, Kok Teng, Mohamed Reda, and Scott Wilmoth. and Balasubramaniam Aruchamy. Rupali Mahajan's peers at other companies are Eleni Evrigeni, Dharam Saini, Camila Vicente, Kok Teng, Mohamed Reda, and Scott Wilmoth. and Balasubramaniam Aruchamy.