Rukshar Bano

Rukshar Bano Email and Phone Number

Sales Assistant @ Airtel Broadband

Rukshar Bano's Current Company Details

Airtel Broadband

Sales Assistant
I am a Spanish linguist. I have done diploma in Spanish Language and B1 level as well from Instituto de Hispania.Competent professional with well-developed communication skills along with excellent team player spirit.I am fluent in both Spanish and English language along with Hindi.

Rukshar Bano Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rukshar Bano

What company does Rukshar Bano work for?

Rukshar Bano works for Airtel Broadband

What is Rukshar Bano's role in his/her workplace?

Rukshar Bano's role in his/her workplace is Sales Assistant.

Which industry does Rukshar Bano work in currently?

Rukshar Bano works in the industry Telecommunications.

Who are Rukshar Bano's colleagues?

Rukshar Bano's colleagues are Salman Khan, Salman Khan, Mr Thakore, Mr Thakore, Peter Son, Peter Son, Mac Max, Mac Max, Naveen Kumar, Naveen Kumar, and Ashok Meena. and George Joseph.

Who are Rukshar Bano's peers at other companies?

Rukshar Bano's peers at other companies are German Gutierrez, Sunku Samrat, Gogul Vengatesh, Bryan Bell, Joey Core, and Ekrem Ekici. and Marie Delbès. Rukshar Bano's peers at other companies are German Gutierrez, Sunku Samrat, Gogul Vengatesh, Bryan Bell, Joey Core, and Ekrem Ekici. and Marie Delbès.