Rohit Gohil

Rohit Gohil Email and Phone Number

Job Seeker @ It Company
united states

Rohit Gohil's Current Company Details

It Company

Job Seeker
united states
Computer Software

Rohit Gohil Work Experience

Rohit Gohil Education

    Kamani Science College - Amreli
    2010 - 2013

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rohit Gohil

What company does Rohit Gohil work for?

Rohit Gohil works for It Company

What is Rohit Gohil's role in his/her workplace?

Rohit Gohil's role in his/her workplace is Job Seeker.

Which industry does Rohit Gohil work in currently?

Rohit Gohil works in the industry Computer Software.

What schools did Rohit Gohil attend?

Rohit Gohil attended Kamani Science College - Amreli.

What is Rohit Gohil's role in his/her workplace?

Rohit Gohil has skills like Microsoft Office, Customer Service, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Public Speaking.

Who are Rohit Gohil's colleagues?

Rohit Gohil's colleagues are Victoriya Turzhanskaya, Victoriya Turzhanskaya, Shayna Quagraine, Shayna Quagraine, Anobik Das, Anobik Das, Ira Nikie, Ira Nikie, Arash Nezhad, Arash Nezhad, and Nayeem Haroon. and Malu Ahkilesh.

Who are Rohit Gohil's peers at other companies?

Rohit Gohil's peers at other companies are Vang Lor, Enzo Yago, Pavel Tamkovich, Glauber Frandoloso, Nicole Gagne, and Geoff Rhodes. and Ravikant Ojha. Rohit Gohil's peers at other companies are Vang Lor, Enzo Yago, Pavel Tamkovich, Glauber Frandoloso, Nicole Gagne, and Geoff Rhodes. and Ravikant Ojha.