Rodrigo Holanda

Rodrigo Holanda Email and Phone Number

rio branco, acre, brazil

Rodrigo Holanda's Current Company Details

Ibge-Instituto Brasileiro De Geografia E Estatística

Coordenador Censitário
rio branco, acre, brazil
Government Administration

Rodrigo Holanda Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rodrigo Holanda

What company does Rodrigo Holanda work for?

Rodrigo Holanda works for Ibge-Instituto Brasileiro De Geografia E Estatística

What is Rodrigo Holanda's role in his/her workplace?

Rodrigo Holanda's role in his/her workplace is Coordenador Censitário.

Which industry does Rodrigo Holanda work in currently?

Rodrigo Holanda works in the industry Government Administration.

Who are Rodrigo Holanda's peers at other companies?

Rodrigo Holanda's peers at other companies are Giuseppe Napoletano, Robert Bygrave, Ahmed Dadi, Jessie Gainey, Maximilian Spencer, and Mike Martinez. and Tereza Tete. Rodrigo Holanda's peers at other companies are Giuseppe Napoletano, Robert Bygrave, Ahmed Dadi, Jessie Gainey, Maximilian Spencer, and Mike Martinez. and Tereza Tete.