Robert Austin

Robert Austin Email and Phone Number

winston salem, north carolina, united states

Robert Austin's Contact Information

Robert Austin work email

Robert Austin personal email


Robert Austin phone numbers

Robert Austin's Current Company Details

En-Cas Analytical Laboratories

Lab Technician
winston salem, north carolina, united states

Robert Austin Work Experience

    Lab Technician
    En-Cas Analytical Laboratories Dec 89 - Present · 35 yrs 1 mo
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
    Contract Research Organization focused on helping companies bring new products to market. We specialize in analytical chemistry for pharmaceutical, veterinary, agrochemical, and environmental applications. We conduct both GLP and non-GLP studies for research and development projects as well as routine monitoring for quality control. HPLC capabilities include MS/MS, UV/visible (single wavelength or diode array), conductivity, fluorescence, and refractive index detection. GC capabilities include MS, FID, NPD, and ECD.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Robert Austin

What company does Robert Austin work for?

Robert Austin works for En-Cas Analytical Laboratories

What is Robert Austin's role in his/her workplace?

Robert Austin's role in his/her workplace is Lab Technician.

Which industry does Robert Austin work in currently?

Robert Austin works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

What is Robert Austin's email address?

Robert Austin's email address is

What is Robert Austin's direct phone number?

Robert Austin's direct phone number is +13367853252

What is Robert Austin's role in his workplace?

Robert Austin has skills like Research, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Biotechnology, Microsoft Word, Leadership, Powerpoint, and Microsoft Powerpoint.

Who are Robert Austin's colleagues?

Robert Austin's colleagues are Pat Sawyer, Pat Sawyer, Evan Fleming, Evan Fleming, Robert Austin, Robert Austin, Heide Ingram, Heide Ingram, Brian Ballard, Brian Ballard, and Jose Alva. and Natalia Dragicevic.

Who are Robert Austin's peers at other companies?

Robert Austin's peers at other companies are Heverton Ribeiro, Neelesh Neon, Bikash Biswas, Divyamanasa Vicharapu, Kristine Andersone, and Heather Resch. and Almajan Roxana-Oana. Robert Austin's peers at other companies are Heverton Ribeiro, Neelesh Neon, Bikash Biswas, Divyamanasa Vicharapu, Kristine Andersone, and Heather Resch. and Almajan Roxana-Oana.