Ritu Shimla

Ritu Shimla Email and Phone Number

Ophthalmic Assistant @ Govt Jobs In India

Ritu Shimla's Current Company Details


Govt Jobs In India

Ophthalmic Assistant
Government Relations

Ritu Shimla Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ritu Shimla

What company does Ritu Shimla work for?

Ritu Shimla works for Govt Jobs In India

What is Ritu Shimla's role in his/her workplace?

Ritu Shimla's role in his/her workplace is Ophthalmic Assistant.

Which industry does Ritu Shimla work in currently?

Ritu Shimla works in the industry Government Relations.

Who are Ritu Shimla's colleagues?

Ritu Shimla's colleagues are Mama Pappu, Mama Pappu, Nanu Bas, Nanu Bas, Jitendra Nama, Jitendra Nama, Sweety Kohli, Sweety Kohli, Sandeep Punia, Sandeep Punia, and Shubham Kumar. and Sanjay Kumar.

Who are Ritu Shimla's peers at other companies?

Ritu Shimla's peers at other companies are Seewadassen Vydelingum, Darryl T, Nerida Quigley, Linda Lancee, Greta Walker, and Manoj Joshi. and Irene Visser. Ritu Shimla's peers at other companies are Seewadassen Vydelingum, Darryl T, Nerida Quigley, Linda Lancee, Greta Walker, and Manoj Joshi. and Irene Visser.