Rita Jacob

Rita Jacob Email and Phone Number

plano, texas, united states

Rita Jacob's Contact Information

Rita Jacob's Current Company Details



plano, texas, united states

Rita Jacob Work Experience

  • jcpenney.com
    Jcpenney End date missing
    Plano, Texas, United States

Rita Jacob Education

  • jcpenney.com
    Rockford Beauty Academy
    1970 - 1971
  • jcpenney.com
    Harlem High School
    1950 - 1961

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Frequently Asked Questions about Rita Jacob

What company does Rita Jacob work for?

Rita Jacob works for Jcpenney

Which industry does Rita Jacob work in currently?

Rita Jacob works in the industry Retail.

What is Rita Jacob's email address?

Rita Jacob's email address is cat_lover916@angelfire.com

What is Rita Jacob's direct phone number?

Rita Jacob's direct phone number is +18159653564

What schools did Rita Jacob attend?

Rita Jacob attended Rockford Beauty Academy, Rockford Beauty Academy. and Harlem High School.

What is Rita Jacob's role in his workplace?

Rita Jacob has skills like

Who are Rita Jacob's colleagues?

Rita Jacob's colleagues are Tori Guzman, Tori Guzman, Deanna Brouwer, Deanna Brouwer, Kasey Mills, Kasey Mills, Barbara Ducette, Barbara Ducette, Adele Kolhoff, Adele Kolhoff, and Christina Genovese. and Walter Cobb.

Who are Rita Jacob's peers at other companies?

Rita Jacob's peers at other companies are Jeremy Begay, Marta Nowak, Sha-Ron Lackey, Libby Harrison, Selena Ulloa, and Jacquelyn Harris. and Brad Myrand. Rita Jacob's peers at other companies are Jeremy Begay, Marta Nowak, Sha-Ron Lackey, Libby Harrison, Selena Ulloa, and Jacquelyn Harris. and Brad Myrand.