Ranjith Raj

Ranjith Raj Email and Phone Number

Senior Financial Analyst @ Northern Trust Corporation
chicago, illinois, united states

Ranjith Raj's Current Company Details


Northern Trust Corporation

Senior Financial Analyst
chicago, illinois, united states
Financial Services
Analyst with a ability to work hard with dedication and accuracy. Proficient with Microsoft Excel,Word,PowerPoint, and Team coordination.Strong operations professional with a Bachelor of Commerce - B.com with specialization in BPS (Business Process Services) from P.S.G College of Arts and Science.

Ranjith Raj Work Experience

Ranjith Raj Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ranjith Raj

What company does Ranjith Raj work for?

Ranjith Raj works for Northern Trust Corporation

What is Ranjith Raj's role in his/her workplace?

Ranjith Raj's role in his/her workplace is Senior Financial Analyst.

Which industry does Ranjith Raj work in currently?

Ranjith Raj works in the industry Financial Services.

What schools did Ranjith Raj attend?

Ranjith Raj attended Psg College Of Arts And Science.

Who are Ranjith Raj's colleagues?

Ranjith Raj's colleagues are Deepak Agarwal, Deepak Agarwal, Julian Rua, Julian Rua, Jacob Casey, Jacob Casey, Kristel Ramos, Kristel Ramos, Ganesh Kokku, Ganesh Kokku, and Sean Barrett. and Alan Glass.

Who are Ranjith Raj's peers at other companies?

Ranjith Raj's peers at other companies are Raphaëlle Morand, Alana Pitts, Victor Öhman, Matthew Bradley, Sean Gallen, and Daniela Hogan. and Wesley Marcelino. Ranjith Raj's peers at other companies are Raphaëlle Morand, Alana Pitts, Victor Öhman, Matthew Bradley, Sean Gallen, and Daniela Hogan. and Wesley Marcelino.