Piotr Suszycki

Piotr Suszycki Email and Phone Number

warsaw, mazowieckie, poland

Piotr Suszycki's Current Company Details


Twoja Energia Sp. Z O.O.

warsaw, mazowieckie, poland
Renewables & Environment

Piotr Suszycki Work Experience

Piotr Suszycki Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Piotr Suszycki

What company does Piotr Suszycki work for?

Piotr Suszycki works for Twoja Energia Sp. Z O.o.

What is Piotr Suszycki's role in his/her workplace?

Piotr Suszycki's role in his/her workplace is Handlowiec.

Which industry does Piotr Suszycki work in currently?

Piotr Suszycki works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

What schools did Piotr Suszycki attend?

Piotr Suszycki attended Uczelnia Łazarskiego W Warszawie, Uczelnia Łazarskiego W Warszawie. and Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania I Bankowości W Poznaniu.

Who are Piotr Suszycki's colleagues?

Piotr Suszycki's colleagues are and Łukasz Bartkiewicz. and Zuzanna Legut.

Who are Piotr Suszycki's peers at other companies?

Piotr Suszycki's peers at other companies are Zian Sally, Janett Guennel, Lejla Karlsson, Pete Owechko, Sylvain Mouysset, and Salman Habiburrahman. and Ivan Mérida. Piotr Suszycki's peers at other companies are Zian Sally, Janett Guennel, Lejla Karlsson, Pete Owechko, Sylvain Mouysset, and Salman Habiburrahman. and Ivan Mérida.