Petr Gebauer

Petr Gebauer Email and Phone Number

Software Engineer @ Aim Software
vienna, austria

Petr Gebauer's Current Company Details

Aim Software

Software Engineer
vienna, austria
Computer Software

Petr Gebauer Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Petr Gebauer

What company does Petr Gebauer work for?

Petr Gebauer works for Aim Software

What is Petr Gebauer's role in his/her workplace?

Petr Gebauer's role in his/her workplace is Software Engineer.

Which industry does Petr Gebauer work in currently?

Petr Gebauer works in the industry Computer Software.

What is Petr Gebauer's role in his/her workplace?

Petr Gebauer has skills like Softwareentwicklung, Scrum, Agile Methoden, C#, Sql, Xml, .net Framework, Visual Studio, Uml, Agile Projektverwaltung, Anforderungsanalyse, Microsoft Sql Server, and Javascript.

Who are Petr Gebauer's colleagues?

Petr Gebauer's colleagues are Susanna Aghajanyan, Susanna Aghajanyan, Robert Martin, Robert Martin, Oleksandr Maistrenko, Oleksandr Maistrenko, Gerlinde Pachinger, Gerlinde Pachinger, Vitee Tao, Vitee Tao, and Jennifer Prinz. and Satish Uphale.

Who are Petr Gebauer's peers at other companies?

Petr Gebauer's peers at other companies are Hayslanna Brandão, Chaithra Nayak, Ramya Garigala, Leo Wilkinson, Sathish Chandran, and Masafumi Kinoshita. and Alexander Bent. Petr Gebauer's peers at other companies are Hayslanna Brandão, Chaithra Nayak, Ramya Garigala, Leo Wilkinson, Sathish Chandran, and Masafumi Kinoshita. and Alexander Bent.