Peggy Jacks

Peggy Jacks Email and Phone Number

smyrna, tennessee, united states

Peggy Jacks's Current Company Details

Nissan Trading Corporation Americas

smyrna, tennessee, united states

Peggy Jacks Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Peggy Jacks

What company does Peggy Jacks work for?

Peggy Jacks works for Nissan Trading Corporation Americas

What is Peggy Jacks's role in his/her workplace?

Peggy Jacks's role in his/her workplace is Technician.

Which industry does Peggy Jacks work in currently?

Peggy Jacks works in the industry Automotive.

Who are Peggy Jacks's colleagues?

Peggy Jacks's colleagues are Audra Lowery, Audra Lowery, Veronica Mazibuko, Veronica Mazibuko, Michael Heller, Michael Heller, Andrea Bernal, Andrea Bernal, Hing Yeung, Hing Yeung, and Gwendolynn Vanbenschoten. and Romen Powell.

Who are Peggy Jacks's peers at other companies?

Peggy Jacks's peers at other companies are Jocelyne Duvoisin, Juliano Toledo, Emily Hird, Isabel Boléo, Josselin Aublivé, and Jagmohan Pattanayak. and Fatijon Topi. Peggy Jacks's peers at other companies are Jocelyne Duvoisin, Juliano Toledo, Emily Hird, Isabel Boléo, Josselin Aublivé, and Jagmohan Pattanayak. and Fatijon Topi.