Patrick Doody

Patrick Doody Email and Phone Number

madrid, madrid, spain

Patrick Doody's Current Company Details

Northern Ireland Ambulance Service

madrid, madrid, spain
Hospital & Health Care

Patrick Doody Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Patrick Doody

What company does Patrick Doody work for?

Patrick Doody works for Northern Ireland Ambulance Service

Which industry does Patrick Doody work in currently?

Patrick Doody works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Patrick Doody attend?

Patrick Doody attended Ulster University.

Who are Patrick Doody's colleagues?

Patrick Doody's colleagues are Chris Mccullough, Chris Mccullough, Paul Meehan, Paul Meehan, Patricia Dunbar, Patricia Dunbar, Clare Mercer, Clare Mercer, Marion Mackie-Lennox, Marion Mackie-Lennox, and Gary Alexander. and Carla Mckeown.

Who are Patrick Doody's peers at other companies?

Patrick Doody's peers at other companies are Sharona Bowman, L.a Rusterucci, Will Hobart, Fatimazahra Ennaji, Maryam Nwaogu, and Cruz Cano. and Roger Fuller. Patrick Doody's peers at other companies are Sharona Bowman, L.a Rusterucci, Will Hobart, Fatimazahra Ennaji, Maryam Nwaogu, and Cruz Cano. and Roger Fuller.