Omar Stricker

Omar Stricker Email and Phone Number

Periodista Agropecuario @ Actividad Productiva Tv Y Radio

Omar Stricker's Contact Details

Omar Stricker work email

Omar Stricker personal email


Omar Stricker phone numbers

Omar Stricker's Current Company Details

Actividad Productiva Tv Y Radio

Periodista Agropecuario

Omar Stricker Work Experience

  • Dueño
    Integral Servicios Comunicativos Y Publicitarios Jan 05 - Aug 12 · 7 yrs 7 mos
  • Diario 6
    Canal 6 Entre Rios Tv End date missing
  • Propietario De Empresa Pequeña
    Integral Servicios Comunicativos Y Publicitarios End date missing
  • Periodista Agropecuario
    Actividad Productiva Tv Y Radio Jul 17 - Present · 7 yrs 7 mos
  • Periodista Agropecuario
    Fm Libertad 98.3 Canal 6 End date missing
  • Asesor En Comunicacion Institucional
    Coopar Ltda End date missing

Omar Stricker Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Omar Stricker

What company does Omar Stricker work for?

Omar Stricker works for Actividad Productiva Tv Y Radio

What is Omar Stricker's role in his/her workplace?

Omar Stricker's role in his/her workplace is Periodista Agropecuario.

What is Omar Stricker's email address?

Omar Stricker's email address is

What is Omar Stricker's direct phone number?

Omar Stricker's direct phone number is +13434747578

What schools did Omar Stricker attend?

Omar Stricker attended Universidad Nacional De Entre Ríos, Universidad Nacional De Entre Ríos. and Instituto Comercial Crespo.

What are some of Omar Stricker's interests?

Omar Stricker has interests in Soy Además Periodista Agropecuario, Soy Además Periodista Agropecuario. Recibido Del Curso Capacitar 2013, Recibido Del Curso Capacitar 2013. Politics, Politics. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. and Human Rights.