Naniko Chokoraia

Naniko Chokoraia Email and Phone Number

Talk Show Host @ Radio Jako Fm 96.3
tbilisi, dushet'is raioni, georgia

Naniko Chokoraia's Current Company Details

Radio Jako Fm 96.3

Talk Show Host
tbilisi, dushet'is raioni, georgia
Broadcast Media

Naniko Chokoraia Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Naniko Chokoraia

What company does Naniko Chokoraia work for?

Naniko Chokoraia works for Radio Jako Fm 96.3

What is Naniko Chokoraia's role in his/her workplace?

Naniko Chokoraia's role in his/her workplace is Talk Show Host.

Which industry does Naniko Chokoraia work in currently?

Naniko Chokoraia works in the industry Broadcast Media.

Who are Naniko Chokoraia's colleagues?

Naniko Chokoraia's colleagues are Salome Tsikhiseli, Salome Tsikhiseli, Ana Natobidze, Ana Natobidze, Levan Gvazava, Levan Gvazava, Tsartsidze Ani, Tsartsidze Ani, Mari Khonelidze, Mari Khonelidze, and Giorgi Qavtaradze. and Mikhail Tarakhchev.

Who are Naniko Chokoraia's peers at other companies?

Naniko Chokoraia's peers at other companies are Phil Meek, Ahmad Luqman, Malak Benchine, Alejandro Tabárez, Bill Deyoung, and Alexander Hanshchuk. and Brad Gibb. Naniko Chokoraia's peers at other companies are Phil Meek, Ahmad Luqman, Malak Benchine, Alejandro Tabárez, Bill Deyoung, and Alexander Hanshchuk. and Brad Gibb.