Nancy Trejo

Nancy Trejo Email and Phone Number

Certified Nursing Assistant @ Wake Forest Baptist Health
winston salem, north carolina, united states

Nancy Trejo's Current Company Details

Wake Forest Baptist Health

Certified Nursing Assistant
winston salem, north carolina, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Nancy Trejo Work Experience

Nancy Trejo Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Nancy Trejo

What company does Nancy Trejo work for?

Nancy Trejo works for Wake Forest Baptist Health

What is Nancy Trejo's role in his/her workplace?

Nancy Trejo's role in his/her workplace is Certified Nursing Assistant.

Which industry does Nancy Trejo work in currently?

Nancy Trejo works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Nancy Trejo attend?

Nancy Trejo attended University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill. and University Of North Carolina At Charlotte.

Who are Nancy Trejo's colleagues?

Nancy Trejo's colleagues are Jamie Shouse, Jamie Shouse, Rose Spillman, Rose Spillman, Jane Pendergraph, Jane Pendergraph, Nayun Han, Nayun Han, Paula Sink, Paula Sink, and Michaela Stevens. and Minal Patel.

Who are Nancy Trejo's peers at other companies?

Nancy Trejo's peers at other companies are Fred Thomas, Florian Strasser, Azhar Khan, Liliana Cardona, Rudraprasad Baidyaray, and Alice Villa. and Taylor Strahan. Nancy Trejo's peers at other companies are Fred Thomas, Florian Strasser, Azhar Khan, Liliana Cardona, Rudraprasad Baidyaray, and Alice Villa. and Taylor Strahan.