Muhammad Anjum

Muhammad Anjum Email and Phone Number

karachi, sindh, pakistan

Muhammad Anjum's Current Company Details

Crescent Steel And Allied Products Limited

Manager Power House
karachi, sindh, pakistan
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Muhammad Anjum Work Experience

Muhammad Anjum Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Muhammad Anjum

What company does Muhammad Anjum work for?

Muhammad Anjum works for Crescent Steel And Allied Products Limited

What is Muhammad Anjum's role in his/her workplace?

Muhammad Anjum's role in his/her workplace is Manager Power House.

Which industry does Muhammad Anjum work in currently?

Muhammad Anjum works in the industry Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering.

What schools did Muhammad Anjum attend?

Muhammad Anjum attended Preston University.

Who are Muhammad Anjum's colleagues?

Muhammad Anjum's colleagues are Naveed Metlo, Naveed Metlo, Hasan Zaidi, Hasan Zaidi, Adil Fazaldad, Adil Fazaldad, Zakia Ashraf, Zakia Ashraf, Zumar Ullah, Zumar Ullah, and Nra Hameed.alam. and Muhammad Siddiqui.

Who are Muhammad Anjum's peers at other companies?

Muhammad Anjum's peers at other companies are Mylena Hildebrand, Inés Toucon, Alessia Benetti, Martyn Widdowson, Silvernitz Suresh, and Yi Zhu. and Sandor Fenyes. Muhammad Anjum's peers at other companies are Mylena Hildebrand, Inés Toucon, Alessia Benetti, Martyn Widdowson, Silvernitz Suresh, and Yi Zhu. and Sandor Fenyes.