Monicia Rogers

Monicia Rogers Email and Phone Number

Medical Staff @ Oklahoma Heart Hospital
oklahoma city, oklahoma, united states

Monicia Rogers's Contact Details

Monicia Rogers personal email

Monicia Rogers's Current Company Details

Oklahoma Heart Hospital

Medical Staff
oklahoma city, oklahoma, united states
Hospital & Health Care
Experienced Clinical Medical Professional - exhibits top-notch work ethic in a hospital and clinical setting. Work well with others to deliver exceptional care and customer service. Skilled in Healthcare Consulting, Patient Education, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and EMR.

Monicia Rogers Work Experience

    Front Office Assistant
    Oklahoma Cardiovascular Surgery Associates Dec 99 - Aug 02 · 2 yrs 8 mos
    Medical Staff
    Oklahoma Heart Hospital Aug 02 - Present · 22 yrs 6 mos
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
    The Oklahoma Heart Hospital brings world-class medical expertise and compassion to the care of every patient. At the Oklahoma Heart Hospital, you'll find a place and a team dedicated exclusively to preventing and treating cardiovascular disease. Your heart is our primary concern.To find our current open jobs, please visit

Monicia Rogers Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Monicia Rogers

What company does Monicia Rogers work for?

Monicia Rogers works for Oklahoma Heart Hospital

What is Monicia Rogers's role in his/her workplace?

Monicia Rogers's role in his/her workplace is Medical Staff.

Which industry does Monicia Rogers work in currently?

Monicia Rogers works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Monicia Rogers's email address?

Monicia Rogers's email address is

What schools did Monicia Rogers attend?

Monicia Rogers attended University Of Central Oklahoma, University Of Central Oklahoma. and Oklahoma State University.

Who are Monicia Rogers's colleagues?

Monicia Rogers's colleagues are Debby Schommer, Debby Schommer, Christine Clay, Christine Clay, Tim Nugen, Tim Nugen, Danel Ware, Danel Ware, Sintia Garcia, Sintia Garcia, and Vina Nguyen. and Kim Romero.

Who are Monicia Rogers's peers at other companies?

Monicia Rogers's peers at other companies are Missie Johnson, Arif Furqon, Bode Amodeni, Alvina Fernandes, Samantha Issa, and Nps Maria Moore Harrison. and Lorraine Gillespie. Monicia Rogers's peers at other companies are Missie Johnson, Arif Furqon, Bode Amodeni, Alvina Fernandes, Samantha Issa, and Nps Maria Moore Harrison. and Lorraine Gillespie.