Mona Torabi

Mona Torabi Email and Phone Number

semnān, iran

Mona Torabi's Current Company Details

Behsaz Green Technologies Development

semnān, iran
Renewables & Environment

Mona Torabi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mona Torabi

What company does Mona Torabi work for?

Mona Torabi works for Behsaz Green Technologies Development

What is Mona Torabi's role in his/her workplace?

Mona Torabi's role in his/her workplace is Accountant.

Which industry does Mona Torabi work in currently?

Mona Torabi works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

Who are Mona Torabi's colleagues?

Mona Torabi's colleagues are Maziar Kazemi, Maziar Kazemi, Maryam Ahmadi, Maryam Ahmadi, and Hamed Abdus. and Mehdi Kheirodin.

Who are Mona Torabi's peers at other companies?

Mona Torabi's peers at other companies are Nadine Lo, Adelia Soares, Ayoub Barou, Michael Roeland, Zach Cooper, and Kartika Mohapatra. and Kris Bolt. Mona Torabi's peers at other companies are Nadine Lo, Adelia Soares, Ayoub Barou, Michael Roeland, Zach Cooper, and Kartika Mohapatra. and Kris Bolt.