Mojtaba Samani

Mojtaba Samani Email and Phone Number

Business Manager @ Mje

Mojtaba Samani's Current Company Details


Business Manager

Mojtaba Samani Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mojtaba Samani

What company does Mojtaba Samani work for?

Mojtaba Samani works for Mje

What is Mojtaba Samani's role in his/her workplace?

Mojtaba Samani's role in his/her workplace is Business Manager.

Which industry does Mojtaba Samani work in currently?

Mojtaba Samani works in the industry Accounting.

Who are Mojtaba Samani's colleagues?

Mojtaba Samani's colleagues are Eliza Billy, Eliza Billy, Awan Bintank, Awan Bintank, Yaméogo Rodrigue, Yaméogo Rodrigue, Patrick Hoare, Patrick Hoare, Gilson Brito, Gilson Brito, and David Hahane. and Moqeem Johan.

Who are Mojtaba Samani's peers at other companies?

Mojtaba Samani's peers at other companies are Marcella De Mei, Stephanie Spode, Talal Shaikh, Anna Domoracka, Sarah Stueck, and Kendal Page. and Emma Stone. Mojtaba Samani's peers at other companies are Marcella De Mei, Stephanie Spode, Talal Shaikh, Anna Domoracka, Sarah Stueck, and Kendal Page. and Emma Stone.