Modong Diana

Modong Diana Email and Phone Number


Modong Diana's Current Company Details

Swiss Agency For Development And Cooperation

Program Officer
Government Relations

Modong Diana Work Experience

Modong Diana Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Modong Diana

What company does Modong Diana work for?

Modong Diana works for Swiss Agency For Development And Cooperation

What is Modong Diana's role in his/her workplace?

Modong Diana's role in his/her workplace is Program Officer.

Which industry does Modong Diana work in currently?

Modong Diana works in the industry Government Relations.

What schools did Modong Diana attend?

Modong Diana attended Uganda Christian University.

Who are Modong Diana's colleagues?

Modong Diana's colleagues are Martina Schmidt, Martina Schmidt, Binaya Shrestha, Binaya Shrestha, Angelina Thiep, Angelina Thiep, Nathalie Vesco, Nathalie Vesco, Bernhard Soland, Bernhard Soland, and Gabriele Stämpfli. and Erika Placella.

Who are Modong Diana's peers at other companies?

Modong Diana's peers at other companies are Ohad Maman, Jose Badilla, Terran Hebron, Rose Dunn, Dawn Hawkins, and Marianne Le Squère. and Abbi Stuaan. Modong Diana's peers at other companies are Ohad Maman, Jose Badilla, Terran Hebron, Rose Dunn, Dawn Hawkins, and Marianne Le Squère. and Abbi Stuaan.