Mobin Samani

Mobin Samani Email and Phone Number

Mobin @ Sama
mexico, distrito federal, mexico

Mobin Samani's Current Company Details


mexico, distrito federal, mexico
Marketing And Advertising

Mobin Samani Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mobin Samani

What company does Mobin Samani work for?

Mobin Samani works for Sama

What is Mobin Samani's role in his/her workplace?

Mobin Samani's role in his/her workplace is Mobin.

Which industry does Mobin Samani work in currently?

Mobin Samani works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.

Who are Mobin Samani's colleagues?

Mobin Samani's colleagues are Pooneh Hamian, Pooneh Hamian, Aubrey Martin, Aubrey Martin, Martin M, Martin M, Jamal Abolhassani, Jamal Abolhassani, Dana Hradilová, Dana Hradilová, and Mostafa Taladar. and Khaled Juhany.

Who are Mobin Samani's peers at other companies?

Mobin Samani's peers at other companies are Mohd Khan, Marta Cellini, Chris Allen, Of Bernésandrine Del Delastre, Venkatesh Venkat, and Ashleigh Evans. and Hang Trinh. Mobin Samani's peers at other companies are Mohd Khan, Marta Cellini, Chris Allen, Of Bernésandrine Del Delastre, Venkatesh Venkat, and Ashleigh Evans. and Hang Trinh.