Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith Email and Phone Number

Vice President Of Human Resources @ 1st Midamerica Credit Union
bethalto, illinois, united states

Michelle Smith's Contact Information

Michelle Smith work email

Michelle Smith personal email


Michelle Smith phone numbers

Michelle Smith's Current Company Details


1St Midamerica Credit Union

Vice President Of Human Resources
bethalto, illinois, united states
Financial Services
VP of Human Resources at 1st Mid America Credit Union

Michelle Smith Work Experience

  • 1stmidamerica.org
    Vice President Of Human Resources
    1St Midamerica Credit Union Nov 06 - Present · 18 yrs 2 mos
    Bethalto, Illinois, United States
    Since 1934, 1st MidAmerica Credit Union has been helping families achieve their financial goals. 1st MidAmerica is a not-for-profit financial cooperative dedicated to the financial success of its members. 1st MidAmerica is a full service financial institution offering mortgages, auto loans, checking accounts, money markets, certificates, kids club programs, commercial services, investment options, and mobile banking. With a mission of exceeding member expectations, 1st MidAmerica focuses on building relationships with members on a foundation of trust and outstanding service.

Michelle Smith Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Michelle Smith

What company does Michelle Smith work for?

Michelle Smith works for 1st Midamerica Credit Union

What is Michelle Smith's role in his/her workplace?

Michelle Smith's role in his/her workplace is Vice President Of Human Resources.

Which industry does Michelle Smith work in currently?

Michelle Smith works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Michelle Smith's email address?

Michelle Smith's email address is michelle.smith@1stmidamerica.org

What is Michelle Smith's direct phone number?

Michelle Smith's direct phone number is +16182583168

What schools did Michelle Smith attend?

Michelle Smith attended Northern Illinois University.

Who are Michelle Smith's colleagues?

Michelle Smith's colleagues are Olivia Turner, Olivia Turner, Taylor Reynolds, Taylor Reynolds, Jessica Haslam, Jessica Haslam, Danielle Green, Danielle Green, Anne Sturgeon, Anne Sturgeon, and Britton Clayton. and Kathy Hartsock.

Who are Michelle Smith's peers at other companies?

Michelle Smith's peers at other companies are Sagar Soni, Suzanne Barker, Mahnaz Nouri, Themistoklis Ragkousis, Saxton Kim, and Sanam Mahtani. and Sarah Davidson. Michelle Smith's peers at other companies are Sagar Soni, Suzanne Barker, Mahnaz Nouri, Themistoklis Ragkousis, Saxton Kim, and Sanam Mahtani. and Sarah Davidson.