Michelle Pannell

Michelle Pannell Email and Phone Number

Senior Revenue Cycle Analyst @ Hca
nashville, tennessee, united states

Michelle Pannell's Contact Details

Michelle Pannell work email

Michelle Pannell phone numbers

Michelle Pannell's Current Company Details



Senior Revenue Cycle Analyst
nashville, tennessee, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Michelle Pannell Work Experience

  • hcahealthcare.com
    Residential Program Specialist
    State Of Tennessee Mar 04 - Nov 05 · 1 yr 8 mos
    United States
    * Provided technical assistance to community or facility based programs. * Identified needs that assisted providers in developing program objectives * Evaluated community or facility based programs to ensure compliance with state and federal laws and grant related regulations. * Monitored program performance indicators to ensure required percentage of program objectives were met. * Coordinated the interactions between community and facility based program providers and state management
  • hcahealthcare.com
    Residential Service Coordinator
    Volunteers Of America Nov 01 - Mar 04 · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    * Led the efforts for the startup of the Agency prior to receiving clients. * Managed (12) house managers directly, additionally responsible for over 100 staff. * Responsible for billing behavioral health and community based services to The State of Tennessee. Coordinate, develop and implement all employees training and assist in tracking training to ensure best practice and State compliance. * Responsible for all hiring and training of direct care workers and managers.
  • hcahealthcare.com
    Case Management Coordinator
    Dc Government Jan 00 - Nov 01 · 1 yr 10 mos
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
    * Managed a staff of (10) monitors to ensure compliance of all employees training and assist in tracking training. * Monitored and evaluated the appropriateness of residential, vocational, and day program placements. Monitored customer progress and attainment of goals. * Responsible for introducing Medicaid waiver services to families. Represent customers at court review hearings
  • hcahealthcare.com
    Case Manager
    Corecivic Jan 96 - Nov 01 · 5 yrs 10 mos
    Nashville, Tennessee, United States
  • hcahealthcare.com
    Corrections Medical Care Manager
    Nashville Cares Dec 07 - Dec 11 · 4 yrs
    Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    * Managed and implemented individual treatment plans. * Managed the medical care of terminally ill incarcerated clients to expiration of sentence. * Provided case management service to incarcerated clients. * Established and maintained referral/liaison relationship for clients within existing local, community-based services
  • hcahealthcare.com
    Mental Health Specialist 2
    Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    * Led with a high level of patience, empathy, courtesy and listening skills. * Managed and implemented individual treatment plans, documented and communicated observations in medical record. * Facilitated therapy groups and facilitated discussion groups/education meetings. * Participated in continuous improvement and development of clinical programs
  • hcahealthcare.com
    Program Director
    Tennessee Family Solutions Nov 05 - Dec 07 · 2 yrs 1 mo
    Smyrna, Tennessee, United States
    * Managed (14) house managers directly, additionally responsible for over 100 staff. * Participated in the recruitment, interviewing and hiring of managers and support staff for the agency. * Trained staff on documentation, system agency policies and facilitated state mandated training to comply with state law. * Responsible for conducting regular Focus Meetings within the homes interfacing with families of individuals served and managers. * Responsible for billing behavioral health and community based services to The State of Tennessee. * Responsible to ensure all services for individuals were provided and documented.
  • hcahealthcare.com
    Senior Revenue Cycle Analyst
    Hca Apr 12 - Present · 12 yrs 10 mos
    Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    * Subject matter expert (SME) and Point of Contact for Revenue Cycle Apps * Certified scrum master - Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. Lead process improvement Initiatives * Writes requirements, test and build Service Request Carts (SRM). * Tests new applications and enhancements of current applications. * Actively works to ensure IT&S Service Level Agreements are met. * Actively works to expand knowledge of current and upcoming products in The department

Michelle Pannell Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Michelle Pannell

What company does Michelle Pannell work for?

Michelle Pannell works for Hca

What is Michelle Pannell's role in his/her workplace?

Michelle Pannell's role in his/her workplace is Senior Revenue Cycle Analyst.

Which industry does Michelle Pannell work in currently?

Michelle Pannell works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Michelle Pannell's email address?

Michelle Pannell's email address is mapannell@hotmail.com

What is Michelle Pannell's direct phone number?

Michelle Pannell's direct phone number is +16154260747

What schools did Michelle Pannell attend?

Michelle Pannell attended Cumberland University, Cumberland University. and Middle Tennessee State University (Mtsu).

What is Michelle Pannell's role in his workplace?

Michelle Pannell has skills like Healthcare, Management, Hospitals, Healthcare Management, Clinical Research, Nursing, Hipaa, Cpr Certified, Treatment, and Healthcare Information Technology.

Who are Michelle Pannell's colleagues?

Michelle Pannell's colleagues are Hilal Tekin, Hilal Tekin, Berndt Spittka, Berndt Spittka, Shilpa Patel, Shilpa Patel, Kelley Bennett, Kelley Bennett, Corrinne Dearin, Corrinne Dearin, and Doaa Aly. and B Jonathan Kilgore.

Who are Michelle Pannell's peers at other companies?

Michelle Pannell's peers at other companies are Karla De La Fuente, Emilio Negro, Andrew Allen, Kimberly Cooper, Nilou A.m, and Ian Marshall. and Sarah Gonzalez. Michelle Pannell's peers at other companies are Karla De La Fuente, Emilio Negro, Andrew Allen, Kimberly Cooper, Nilou A.m, and Ian Marshall. and Sarah Gonzalez.