Michael Brinton

Michael Brinton Email and Phone Number

General Surgery Resident @ Medical College Of Wisconsin
milwaukee, wisconsin, united states

Michael Brinton's Contact Details

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Medical College Of Wisconsin

General Surgery Resident
milwaukee, wisconsin, united states
Higher Education
I am currently a Master's of Science student in the Medical Science program at Drexel University College of Medicine, with a goal of attending medical school following graduation. My current research is in the lab of Dr. Angelo Lepore, where we focus on restoring the neural respiratory circuit following spinal cord injury.

Michael Brinton Work Experience

  • mcw.edu
    Certified Phlebotomist
    Penn State Health ['2016-01-01', '2016-07-01']
    Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States
  • mcw.edu
    Clinical Research Phlebotomist
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
  • mcw.edu
    Teaching Assistant
    Drexel University College Of Medicine ['2017-08-01', '2018-07-01']
    Division of Pre-medical and Pre-health Programs of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, I work as a Teaching Assistant for Medical Microanatomy (IMSP 542S/543S) and Medicine & Society (IMSP 502S). This includes teaching the microscopy-based laboratory for Medical Microanatomy and facilitating weekly small group discussions on a variety of topics in medical ethics for Medicine & Society.
  • mcw.edu
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Thomas Jefferson University ['2017-06-01', '2018-04-01']
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
    The Lepore Lab investigates mechanisms to repair the damaged neural respiratory circuit after spinal cord injury. Beginning in June 2017 and continuing for the coming year, my research focused on providing targeted regrowth of bulbospinal respiratory axons after injury. In collaboration with a doctoral student, we will used adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) vectors to provide selective expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the area of phrenic motor neurons in the cervical spinal cord in C2 hemisected rats. We will use electromyography in vivo along with immunohistochemical analyses to determine the extent and mechanism of diaphragmatic recovery. Show less
  • mcw.edu
    Research Assistant
    Penn State University ['2013-04-01', '2013-10-01']
    University Park, Pennsylvania, United States
    Managed 14 research studies with the Penn State Turfgrass Research Center
  • mcw.edu
    Production Staff
    Nittany Paper Mills, Llc ['2012-06-01', '2012-08-01']
    Lewistown, Pennsylvania, United States
    Worked in multiple capacities at the discretion of plant manager. Duties primarily included working in the production of commercial paper towels and toilet tissue. Also performed routine maintenance of production equipment and trained new employees. Worked here for one summer between semesters at Penn State.
  • mcw.edu
    General Surgery Resident
    Medical College Of Wisconsin ['2022-06-01', 'Present']
    Wisconsin, United States
  • mcw.edu
    Peer Learning Partner
    New York Medical College ['2019-08-01', '2022-05-01']
    Valhalla, New York, United States
  • mcw.edu
    Certified Phlebotomist
    Upmc ['2015-08-01', '2016-01-01']
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
  • mcw.edu
    Student Assistant
    Penn State University ['2014-05-01', '2014-08-01']
    University Park, Pennsylvania, United States
    Provided support to Engineering Advising Center staff during Penn State New Student Orientation. Presented daily to 30-40 students, teaching the use of eLion, the schedule of courses, and recommended academic plans. Advised new engineering students on the scheduling of first-semester classes while managing the flow of students to meetings with faculty advisors.
  • mcw.edu
    Emergency Medical Technician
    Centre Lifelink Ems ['2013-02-01', '2015-10-01']
    State College, Pennsylvania, United States
    Provided Basic Life Support (BLS) care to the sick and injured. Served in a volunteer capacity.

Michael Brinton Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Michael Brinton

What company does Michael Brinton work for?

Michael Brinton works for Medical College Of Wisconsin

What is Michael Brinton's role in his/her workplace?

Michael Brinton's role in his/her workplace is General Surgery Resident.

Which industry does Michael Brinton work in currently?

Michael Brinton works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Michael Brinton's email address?

Michael Brinton's email address is michael_brinton@nymc.edu

What is Michael Brinton's direct phone number?

Michael Brinton's direct phone number is +17175132470

What schools did Michael Brinton attend?

Michael Brinton attended Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania State University. Phlebotomy Institute Of Central Pa, Phlebotomy Institute Of Central Pa. Drexel University, Drexel University. Penn State University, Penn State University. and New York Medical College.

Who are Michael Brinton's colleagues?

Michael Brinton's colleagues are Charlotte Ball, Charlotte Ball, Michael Cinquegrani, Michael Cinquegrani, David Bolender, David Bolender, Nada Haydar, Nada Haydar, Angela Rabbitt, Angela Rabbitt, and Judie Elliott. and Michele Duranso.

Who are Michael Brinton's peers at other companies?

Michael Brinton's peers at other companies are Charlie Osten, Felipe Hernandez-Rodriguez, Martin Reilly, Marco Paredes, Sen Tan, and Wanattapong Aryuwong. and Allyson Donahoe. Michael Brinton's peers at other companies are Charlie Osten, Felipe Hernandez-Rodriguez, Martin Reilly, Marco Paredes, Sen Tan, and Wanattapong Aryuwong. and Allyson Donahoe.