Melissa Villegas

Melissa Villegas Email and Phone Number

adelaide, south australia, australia

Melissa Villegas's Current Company Details

Core Energy Group

adelaide, south australia, australia
Oil & Energy

Melissa Villegas Work Experience

    Customer Support Specialist
    Core Energy Group Aug 22 - Dec 22 · 4 mos
    Confirmed over 40+ appointments daily for all departments in a timely manner -Answered all questions homeowners had via Podium and forwarded that information to our team-Communicated and collaborated in rescheduling appointments with the designated department-Helped with resolving customer escalations and solved problems to maximize customer satisfaction
    Retail Sales Associate
    Burlington, New Jersey, United States
    Assisted 50+ customers daily by providing a unique experience, driving sales and returning clients-Guided sales by displaying merchandise and implementing inventory replenishment systems-Assisted the team at the cashier made all credit, cash, exchanges, returns and refunds correctly-Boosted long-term loyalty by promoting the benefits of the store credit card and signing customers up
    Sales Associate
    Foot Locker 2019 - 2021 · 2 yrs
    New York, New York, United States
    Assisted 100+ customers by exceeding sales goals through product knowledge and quality service-Trained new sales associates in company procedures and sale techniques-Communicated loyalty programs and sales to maximize customer loyalty-Received an achievement award from my District Manager and was frequently awarded top seller of the week
    Administrative Assistant Project Coordinator
    Core Energy Group Aug 22 - May 23 · 9 mos
    Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
    Manage all Southern California projects through different phases until project was successfully completed-Tracked project performance, made reports, and documented everything that was needed-Scheduled all appointments in advance and coordinated all appointments with homeowners and city building department in a timely manner -Made sure all needed communications were reported to team and the homeowner through customer support including updates and scheduling

Melissa Villegas Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Melissa Villegas

What company does Melissa Villegas work for?

Melissa Villegas works for Core Energy Group

Which industry does Melissa Villegas work in currently?

Melissa Villegas works in the industry Oil & Energy.

What schools did Melissa Villegas attend?

Melissa Villegas attended California State University - San Bernardino.

Who are Melissa Villegas's colleagues?

Melissa Villegas's colleagues are Stacy Tai, Stacy Tai, Tyson Lucherini, Tyson Lucherini, Kenneth Ho, Kenneth Ho, Dustin Angeleri, Dustin Angeleri, Thelma Taliangis, Thelma Taliangis, and Yuliya Valova. and Cole Farmer.

Who are Melissa Villegas's peers at other companies?

Melissa Villegas's peers at other companies are Candace Shaw, David Van Overtveldt, Karar A, Lauro Huitron, Octavio Muñoz, and Luiz De Moraes. and Guan Wang. Melissa Villegas's peers at other companies are Candace Shaw, David Van Overtveldt, Karar A, Lauro Huitron, Octavio Muñoz, and Luiz De Moraes. and Guan Wang.