Mehmet Kalay

Mehmet Kalay Email and Phone Number

Tasarımcı @ Ford Otosan
kocaeli, turkey

Mehmet Kalay's Current Company Details

Ford Otosan

kocaeli, turkey

Mehmet Kalay Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mehmet Kalay

What company does Mehmet Kalay work for?

Mehmet Kalay works for Ford Otosan

What is Mehmet Kalay's role in his/her workplace?

Mehmet Kalay's role in his/her workplace is Tasarımcı.

Which industry does Mehmet Kalay work in currently?

Mehmet Kalay works in the industry Automotive.

Who are Mehmet Kalay's colleagues?

Mehmet Kalay's colleagues are Seyfettin Durmaz, Seyfettin Durmaz, Bahar Ersü, Bahar Ersü, Orhan Karazeybek, Orhan Karazeybek, Safa Çalışkan, Safa Çalışkan, Salim Kartal, Salim Kartal, and Ahmet Ankara. and Çağatay Evsi̇zler.

Who are Mehmet Kalay's peers at other companies?

Mehmet Kalay's peers at other companies are Matthew Motz, Dolores Woods, Matthew Nelson, Felipe Rossi, Alex De Carvalho, and Caitlin Whitfield. and Bob Whitmore. Mehmet Kalay's peers at other companies are Matthew Motz, Dolores Woods, Matthew Nelson, Felipe Rossi, Alex De Carvalho, and Caitlin Whitfield. and Bob Whitmore.