Bipul Pramanik

Bipul Pramanik Email and Phone Number

Executive @ Apex Fashion Wear

Bipul Pramanik's Current Company Details

Apex Fashion Wear

Apparel & Fashion

Bipul Pramanik Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Bipul Pramanik

What company does Bipul Pramanik work for?

Bipul Pramanik works for Apex Fashion Wear

What is Bipul Pramanik's role in his/her workplace?

Bipul Pramanik's role in his/her workplace is Executive.

Which industry does Bipul Pramanik work in currently?

Bipul Pramanik works in the industry Apparel & Fashion.

Who are Bipul Pramanik's colleagues?

Bipul Pramanik's colleagues are Farhad Hosen, Farhad Hosen, Mahmudul Hasan, Mahmudul Hasan, Rubel Gini, Rubel Gini, Emon Hossain, Emon Hossain, Shah Alam, Shah Alam, and Mizanur Rahman. and Nihab Rahaman.

Who are Bipul Pramanik's peers at other companies?

Bipul Pramanik's peers at other companies are Sujiish Babu, Emily Leung, Leandro Park, Maria Konig, Debbie Zelouf, and Tsn Tarak. and Madeleine Burke. Bipul Pramanik's peers at other companies are Sujiish Babu, Emily Leung, Leandro Park, Maria Konig, Debbie Zelouf, and Tsn Tarak. and Madeleine Burke.