Maximilian Howarth

Maximilian Howarth Email and Phone Number

verona, wisconsin, united states

Maximilian Howarth's Contact Information

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Maximilian Howarth's Current Company Details


verona, wisconsin, united states
Computer Software
I have a passion for problem solving, data analysis, and implementing data-driven decisions. This has been fostered by my work at Epic, involvement in my University's Baja Racing team and Compliant Systems Design Lab, and through my major and minors. Most recently as a Cogito Systems Technical Solutions Engineer at Epic Systems, I provided managerial and technical support for Epic's Cogito reporting infrastructure at 5 premier healthcare organizations, and I worked on internal groups to improve areas of the Cogito applications. You can learn more about me at my website:

Maximilian Howarth Work Experience

    Business Analyst
    Amazon End date missing
    Seattle, Washington, United States
    Business analyst for Amazon's ALPACA BI team where I provide analytical support for the technical operations teams.
    Team Lead
    Epic Aug 21 - Jun 22 · 10 mos
    Verona, Wisconsin, United States
    Research Assistant
    University Of Michigan May 18 - Jun 20 · 2 yrs 1 mo
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
    As a research assistant at my University's Compliant Systems Design Lab, I have been involved in a variety of projects including: improving the lab's manufacturing process, fabricating soft robotic grippers, and characterizing fluidic valves.
    Technical Solutions Engineer
    Epic Aug 20 - Jun 22 · 1 yr 10 mos
    Verona, Wisconsin, United States
    Technical Solutions for Cogito Systems.

Maximilian Howarth Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Maximilian Howarth

What company does Maximilian Howarth work for?

Maximilian Howarth works for Epic

Which industry does Maximilian Howarth work in currently?

Maximilian Howarth works in the industry Computer Software.

What is Maximilian Howarth's email address?

Maximilian Howarth's email address is

What schools did Maximilian Howarth attend?

Maximilian Howarth attended University Of Michigan College Of Engineering.

Who are Maximilian Howarth's colleagues?

Maximilian Howarth's colleagues are Fay Hu, Fay Hu, Rachel Sobel, Rachel Sobel, Benjamin Folkens, Benjamin Folkens, Tyler Stratford, Tyler Stratford, Noorhane Amina, Noorhane Amina, and Isela Silva. and Tess Isaacson.

Who are Maximilian Howarth's peers at other companies?

Maximilian Howarth's peers at other companies are Christopher Frizell, Julia Önerud, Major Abdullah, Arsal Ghayasi, Achiatou Traore, and May L. and Valeriia Melnyk. Maximilian Howarth's peers at other companies are Christopher Frizell, Julia Önerud, Major Abdullah, Arsal Ghayasi, Achiatou Traore, and May L. and Valeriia Melnyk.