Matthieu Barrau

Matthieu Barrau Email and Phone Number

Responsable Technique Et Infrastructure @ Laboratoire Nutergia

Matthieu Barrau's Current Company Details

Laboratoire Nutergia

Responsable Technique Et Infrastructure
Health, Wellness And Fitness

Matthieu Barrau Work Experience

    Responsable Technique Et Infrastructure
    Laboratoire Nutergia Feb 18 - Present · 7 yrs
    Chef De Projets
    Raynal Et Roquelaure End date missing
    RAYNAL & ROQUELAURE develops and markets preserved cooked meals under the brand names Raynal et Roquelaure (French recipes) and Zapetti (Italian and Exotic recipes, tomato sauces).A main player on the canned cooked meals market, the company masterfully treats consumers to delicious recipes with contemporary feel that are a pleasure to serve to family and friends, or just to relish alone.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Matthieu Barrau

What company does Matthieu Barrau work for?

Matthieu Barrau works for Laboratoire Nutergia

What is Matthieu Barrau's role in his/her workplace?

Matthieu Barrau's role in his/her workplace is Responsable Technique Et Infrastructure.

Which industry does Matthieu Barrau work in currently?

Matthieu Barrau works in the industry Health, Wellness And Fitness.

Who are Matthieu Barrau's colleagues?

Matthieu Barrau's colleagues are Marie Benoist, Marie Benoist, Gérard Good, Gérard Good, Emeline Alvarez, Emeline Alvarez, Laetitia Combelles, Laetitia Combelles, Amandine Zavrosa, Amandine Zavrosa, and Marie Helmbold. and Pedro Duarte.

Who are Matthieu Barrau's peers at other companies?

Matthieu Barrau's peers at other companies are Marissa Word, Seth Montague, Kabao Lee, Helen Danbury, Peter Ogola, and Caroline Mcleary. and Anthony Ross. Matthieu Barrau's peers at other companies are Marissa Word, Seth Montague, Kabao Lee, Helen Danbury, Peter Ogola, and Caroline Mcleary. and Anthony Ross.