Mathew Richard

Mathew Richard Email and Phone Number

chennai, tamil nadu, india

Mathew Richard's Current Company Details

Preethi Kitchen Appliances

chennai, tamil nadu, india
Consumer Electronics

Mathew Richard Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mathew Richard

What company does Mathew Richard work for?

Mathew Richard works for Preethi Kitchen Appliances

What is Mathew Richard's role in his/her workplace?

Mathew Richard's role in his/her workplace is Finance.

Which industry does Mathew Richard work in currently?

Mathew Richard works in the industry Consumer Electronics.

Who are Mathew Richard's colleagues?

Mathew Richard's colleagues are Shubham Tiwari, Shubham Tiwari, Little Candy, Little Candy, Jayaprakash Ob, Jayaprakash Ob, Anil Kumar, Anil Kumar, Sahubar Shathik, Sahubar Shathik, and Kalimuthu V. and Acharya Katti.

Who are Mathew Richard's peers at other companies?

Mathew Richard's peers at other companies are Kyungmin Park, Stephanie Miller, Nikhil Tyagi, Prabesh Wagle, Anthony Gladkiy, and Hebe Dai. and Japheth Muema. Mathew Richard's peers at other companies are Kyungmin Park, Stephanie Miller, Nikhil Tyagi, Prabesh Wagle, Anthony Gladkiy, and Hebe Dai. and Japheth Muema.