Matheus Barreto

Matheus Barreto Email and Phone Number

Auxiliar Administrativo @ Aprendiz Legal
rio de janeiro, rio de janeiro, brazil

Matheus Barreto's Current Company Details

Aprendiz Legal

Auxiliar Administrativo
rio de janeiro, rio de janeiro, brazil
Non-Profit Organization Management

Matheus Barreto Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Matheus Barreto

What company does Matheus Barreto work for?

Matheus Barreto works for Aprendiz Legal

What is Matheus Barreto's role in his/her workplace?

Matheus Barreto's role in his/her workplace is Auxiliar Administrativo.

Which industry does Matheus Barreto work in currently?

Matheus Barreto works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

Who are Matheus Barreto's colleagues?

Matheus Barreto's colleagues are Anna Klara, Anna Klara, Maria De Fátima Lima, Maria De Fátima Lima, Corner Stone, Corner Stone, Jonathan Garcia, Jonathan Garcia, Nathally Vieira, Nathally Vieira, and Kettelin Machado. and Alana Dias.

Who are Matheus Barreto's peers at other companies?

Matheus Barreto's peers at other companies are Gary Woodworth, Libby Aguilar, Cicinho Silva, Elise Funk, Jasna Penich, and Phil Blair. and Lori Mccoy. Matheus Barreto's peers at other companies are Gary Woodworth, Libby Aguilar, Cicinho Silva, Elise Funk, Jasna Penich, and Phil Blair. and Lori Mccoy.