Mary Stinson

Mary Stinson Email and Phone Number

Instructional Superintendent @ District Of Columbia Public Schools (dcps)
washington, district of columbia, united states

Mary Stinson's Contact Information

Mary Stinson personal email


Mary Stinson phone numbers

Mary Stinson's Current Company Details

District Of Columbia Public Schools (Dcps)

Instructional Superintendent
washington, district of columbia, united states
Primary/secondary Education

Mary Stinson Work Experience

Mary Stinson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mary Stinson

What company does Mary Stinson work for?

Mary Stinson works for District Of Columbia Public Schools (Dcps)

What is Mary Stinson's role in his/her workplace?

Mary Stinson's role in his/her workplace is Instructional Superintendent.

Which industry does Mary Stinson work in currently?

Mary Stinson works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Mary Stinson's email address?

Mary Stinson's email address is

What is Mary Stinson's direct phone number?

Mary Stinson's direct phone number is +12024636211

What schools did Mary Stinson attend?

Mary Stinson attended American University, American University. Georgetown University, Georgetown University. The George Washington University, The George Washington University. and Virginia Commonwealth University.

Who are Mary Stinson's peers at other companies?

Mary Stinson's peers at other companies are Iris Van Der Meer, Rickey Hill, Payge Mildebrath, Fernanda Cherobini, Felicia Ivey, and John Kennedy. and Peggy Mathieu. Mary Stinson's peers at other companies are Iris Van Der Meer, Rickey Hill, Payge Mildebrath, Fernanda Cherobini, Felicia Ivey, and John Kennedy. and Peggy Mathieu.