Martine Morel

Martine Morel Email and Phone Number

Secrétaire @ Chu D'angers
angers, pays de la loire, france

Martine Morel's Contact Details

Martine Morel work email

Martine Morel personal email


Martine Morel's Current Company Details

Chu D'Angers

angers, pays de la loire, france
Hospital & Health Care

Martine Morel Work Experience

    Divers Entreprises
    Salarie Cdd Sep 81 - Mar 12 · 30 yrs 6 mos
    Assistante de direction bilingue anglais
    Formatrice Secrétariat
    Afpa Nov 11 - Mar 12 · 4 mos
    Montreuil, Ile-De-France, France
    Formatrice Secrétariat-Bureautique
    Salariee Cdd End date missing
    Formatrice Secrétariat-Bureautique
    Chambre Des Metiers Et De L'Artisanat
    Chu D'Angers Apr 16 - Present · 8 yrs 10 mos
    Angers, Pays De La Loire, France

Martine Morel Education

    Institut Britannique De Paris
    1981 - 1982
    Université Catholique De L'Ouest, Angers
    2012 - 2013

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Frequently Asked Questions about Martine Morel

What company does Martine Morel work for?

Martine Morel works for Chu D'angers

What is Martine Morel's role in his/her workplace?

Martine Morel's role in his/her workplace is Secrétaire.

Which industry does Martine Morel work in currently?

Martine Morel works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Martine Morel's email address?

Martine Morel's email address is

What schools did Martine Morel attend?

Martine Morel attended Institut Britannique De Paris, Institut Britannique De Paris. and Université Catholique De L'ouest, Angers.

What are some of Martine Morel's interests?

Martine Morel has interest in Musique, Musique. and Chant.

What is Martine Morel's role in his/her workplace?

Martine Morel has skills like Assistante Polyvalente, and Bilingue Anglais.

Who are Martine Morel's colleagues?

Martine Morel's colleagues are Sylvie Oger, Sylvie Oger, Eric Gaudenzi, Eric Gaudenzi, Manuel Croix, Manuel Croix, Christelle Soulisse, Christelle Soulisse, Mouna Zerar-Saad, Mouna Zerar-Saad, and Fatima Erridhi. and Ascensi Sandra.

Who are Martine Morel's peers at other companies?

Martine Morel's peers at other companies are Olivia Allmer, Stephanie Laivenieks, Tenia Smith, Mirela Salic, Nicholas Mothersbaugh, and Daniela Torres. and Julie Lowe. Martine Morel's peers at other companies are Olivia Allmer, Stephanie Laivenieks, Tenia Smith, Mirela Salic, Nicholas Mothersbaugh, and Daniela Torres. and Julie Lowe.