Mark Stomphorst

Mark Stomphorst Email and Phone Number

Quality Laboratory Technician @ Innocent Drinks
london, greater london, united kingdom

Mark Stomphorst's Contact Details

Mark Stomphorst work email

Mark Stomphorst personal email

Mark Stomphorst's Current Company Details

Innocent Drinks

Quality Laboratory Technician
london, greater london, united kingdom
Food & Beverages
ruim 14 jaar werkzaam bij Exxon Mobil ( smeerolie plant). Analyseren van gebruikte smeerolie. Ervaring: TAN, TBN, ICP, IR, Karl Fischer, Viscositeit, DAC, Vlampunt, Demuls, Foam, RPVOT, Air release, Sinds kort LIMS Approver. Champion van ICP en Houillon, HTV

Mark Stomphorst Work Experience

    Quality Laboratory Technician
    Innocent Drinks Dec 21 - Present · 3 yrs 2 mos
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Laboratory Technician
    Exxonmobil May 05 - Nov 21 · 16 yrs 6 mos
    United States
    ExxonMobil is the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, providing energy that helps underpin growing economies and improve living standards around the worldExxonMobil uses innovation and technology to deliver energy to a growing world. We explore for, produce and sell crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products.We operate facilities or market products in most of the world's countries and explore for oil and natural gas on six continents.Follow us on our channel on the latest energy news and views at

Mark Stomphorst Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mark Stomphorst

What company does Mark Stomphorst work for?

Mark Stomphorst works for Innocent Drinks

What is Mark Stomphorst's role in his/her workplace?

Mark Stomphorst's role in his/her workplace is Quality Laboratory Technician.

Which industry does Mark Stomphorst work in currently?

Mark Stomphorst works in the industry Food & Beverages.

What is Mark Stomphorst's email address?

Mark Stomphorst's email address is

What schools did Mark Stomphorst attend?

Mark Stomphorst attended Roc Mondriaan.

Who are Mark Stomphorst's colleagues?

Mark Stomphorst's colleagues are Emilie Stephenson, Emilie Stephenson, Prema Chhantbar, Prema Chhantbar, Konstantin Denchev, Konstantin Denchev, Melissa Kawhe, Melissa Kawhe, Emma Forde, Emma Forde, and Lotte De Graaff. and Andreas Berchtenbreiter.

Who are Mark Stomphorst's peers at other companies?

Mark Stomphorst's peers at other companies are Kadijha Scott, Aidan Wheeler, Martin Resnick, Youssef Aluaske, Filippo Petruzzellis, and Antonio Vasquez. and Ronnie Soares. Mark Stomphorst's peers at other companies are Kadijha Scott, Aidan Wheeler, Martin Resnick, Youssef Aluaske, Filippo Petruzzellis, and Antonio Vasquez. and Ronnie Soares.