Maria Carpino

Maria Carpino Email and Phone Number

Owner @ Mati Srl
firenze, tuscany, italy

Maria Carpino's Contact Details

Maria Carpino personal email

Maria Carpino's Current Company Details

Mati Srl

firenze, tuscany, italy
Apparel & Fashion

Maria Carpino Work Experience

  • Owner
    Mati Srl Jan 15 - Present · 10 yrs 1 mo
    Florence, Tuscany, Italy

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Frequently Asked Questions about Maria Carpino

What company does Maria Carpino work for?

Maria Carpino works for Mati Srl

What is Maria Carpino's role in his/her workplace?

Maria Carpino's role in his/her workplace is Owner.

Which industry does Maria Carpino work in currently?

Maria Carpino works in the industry Apparel & Fashion.

What is Maria Carpino's email address?

Maria Carpino's email address is

Who are Maria Carpino's peers at other companies?

Maria Carpino's peers at other companies are Pete Mckenzie, Kiran Singh, Victoria Briggs, Jessica Zertuche, Bahra Mohammed, and Subramaniam Kannan. and Akash Sardar. Maria Carpino's peers at other companies are Pete Mckenzie, Kiran Singh, Victoria Briggs, Jessica Zertuche, Bahra Mohammed, and Subramaniam Kannan. and Akash Sardar.