Lynelle Duncan

Lynelle Duncan Email and Phone Number

Account Manager @ Lmc
prague, praha, czechia

Lynelle Duncan's Contact Details

Lynelle Duncan personal email


Lynelle Duncan's Current Company Details


Account Manager
prague, praha, czechia
Human Resources

Lynelle Duncan Work Experience

    Account Manager
    Prague, Praha, Czechia
    We have been here for you since the Internet first arrived on the scene in the Czech Republic. With sixteen years' experience under our belt, we are the leading player in the online job market. We are a part of media group Alma Media. Alma Media is a dynamic Finish media group targeted on press and growing European digital services market. It employes about 3 000 professionals in Finland and eight other European countries including Czech Republic. We are among the 50 fastest growing companies in Europe. In the tenth annual Technology Fast 50 Central Europe (2009), a contest regularly held by Deloitte, we ranked in he top fifty fastest growing technology companies in Central Europe.

Lynelle Duncan Education

    Community College
    1977 - 1978

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lynelle Duncan

What company does Lynelle Duncan work for?

Lynelle Duncan works for Lmc

What is Lynelle Duncan's role in his/her workplace?

Lynelle Duncan's role in his/her workplace is Account Manager.

Which industry does Lynelle Duncan work in currently?

Lynelle Duncan works in the industry Human Resources.

What is Lynelle Duncan's email address?

Lynelle Duncan's email address is

What schools did Lynelle Duncan attend?

Lynelle Duncan attended Community College.

Who are Lynelle Duncan's colleagues?

Lynelle Duncan's colleagues are Omar Howard, Omar Howard, Mareike Stephan, Mareike Stephan, Imran Mumtaz, Imran Mumtaz, Jiří Bárta, Jiří Bárta, Sujeewa Samsundara, Sujeewa Samsundara, and Lmc Prod. and Diana Estrada.

Who are Lynelle Duncan's peers at other companies?

Lynelle Duncan's peers at other companies are Sandra Baker, Stephanie Grant, Shiraas Goerdin, Sabrina Zaidi, Laura Colmenero, and Anshu Arora. and Maria Ilagan. Lynelle Duncan's peers at other companies are Sandra Baker, Stephanie Grant, Shiraas Goerdin, Sabrina Zaidi, Laura Colmenero, and Anshu Arora. and Maria Ilagan.