Lynda Salings

Lynda Salings Email and Phone Number

Human Resources Manager @ Mid-city Lumber Co Ltd
columbia, missouri, united states

Lynda Salings's Contact Details

Lynda Salings personal email


Lynda Salings phone numbers

Lynda Salings's Current Company Details

Mid-City Lumber Co Ltd

Human Resources Manager
columbia, missouri, united states
Building Materials
Human Resources has been my career for 10+ years now, and I have truly enjoyed it. I have loved my work in HR and plan to continue to grow in the field. My favorite parts of this career track have been recruiting, on boarding new hires, training, safety presentations, event planning and just general assistance to my customers--employees!I have owned a catering business, a cookie/coffee shop and a bed and breakfast, and still greatly enjoy offering hospitality. I've worked my way up from DJ to station manager in radio, and have always participated in and driven public relations and marketing campaigns for organizations with which I was working. Pastoring our little church at my husband's side was one of the most challenging and uplifting periods of my life.There is very little in business that I haven't done and nothing much that I'm not willing and able to learn. My ultimate goal is always to provide loyalty, dependability and excellence in service to others and to my employer!

Lynda Salings Work Experience

    Human Resources Assistant
    J2 Scientific Feb 13 - May 16 · 3 yrs 3 mos
    Columbia, Missouri, United States
    Independent Business Owner
    Angels Bed & Breakfast Inn May 05 - Apr 09 · 3 yrs 11 mos
    Owner/manager, chef, concierge and event planner--I wore every hat and loved them all!
    Independent Business Owner
    The Cookie Queen Feb 99 - May 05 · 6 yrs 3 mos
    Gourmet cookies via internet and brick-and-mortar, with catering featuring full meals and both cream and afternoon teas.
    Evs Aide, Unit Secretary
    Ssm Health Aug 09 - Jan 13 · 3 yrs 5 mos
    Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
    3 locations and 3 positions in the SSM Health system.
    Human Resources Manager
    Mid-City Lumber Co Ltd Oct 21 - Present · 3 yrs 4 mos
    Columbia, Missouri, United States
    Office And Human Resources Coordinator
    Bluebird Network Apr 20 - Feb 21 · 10 mos
    Missouri, United States
    * Office operations/communications * HR support * safety maintenance * fleet maintenance * event planning * board meeting prep * travel assistance * projects.
    Human Resources Manager
    Fibersmith Feb 21 - Oct 21 · 8 mos
    Blooming Prairie, Minnesota, United States
    * Formalized office and HR policies and procedures, job descriptions, organizational structure, performance management * created comprehensive and accurate employee files * recommended and implemented HRIS. Recruiting, onboarding and training, HRIS and performance program administration, personnel records, open enrollment and benefit tracking, engagement * assistance to all stakeholders.
    Human Resources Generalist
    Bluebird Network May 16 - Apr 20 · 3 yrs 11 mos
    Missouri, United States
    Recruiting, on boarding, training, HRIS and performance program administration, personnel records, payroll, open enrollment and benefit tracking, research, event planning; assistance to all stakeholders.

Lynda Salings Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lynda Salings

What company does Lynda Salings work for?

Lynda Salings works for Mid-City Lumber Co Ltd

What is Lynda Salings's role in his/her workplace?

Lynda Salings's role in his/her workplace is Human Resources Manager.

Which industry does Lynda Salings work in currently?

Lynda Salings works in the industry Building Materials.

What is Lynda Salings's email address?

Lynda Salings's email address is

What is Lynda Salings's direct phone number?

Lynda Salings's direct phone number is +15732140472

What schools did Lynda Salings attend?

Lynda Salings attended Missouri Valley College.

Who are Lynda Salings's colleagues?

Lynda Salings's colleagues are Miranda Emmerich, Miranda Emmerich, Shane Mathews, Shane Mathews, Mary Fitch, Mary Fitch, Jeff Wilmsmeyer, Jeff Wilmsmeyer, and Mike H. and Michael Russell.

Who are Lynda Salings's peers at other companies?

Lynda Salings's peers at other companies are Pierre Marsolais, Grzegorz Celoch, Jessica Eubank, Grade Nathan, Sasanka Sadangi, and Patryk Maciorowski. and Carol Humphries. Lynda Salings's peers at other companies are Pierre Marsolais, Grzegorz Celoch, Jessica Eubank, Grade Nathan, Sasanka Sadangi, and Patryk Maciorowski. and Carol Humphries.