Lukas Korfel

Lukas Korfel Email and Phone Number

Racking Supervisor @ British Sugar
cambridgeshire, cambridgeshire, united kingdom

Lukas Korfel's Current Company Details

British Sugar

Racking Supervisor
cambridgeshire, cambridgeshire, united kingdom
Food Production

Lukas Korfel Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lukas Korfel

What company does Lukas Korfel work for?

Lukas Korfel works for British Sugar

What is Lukas Korfel's role in his/her workplace?

Lukas Korfel's role in his/her workplace is Racking Supervisor.

Which industry does Lukas Korfel work in currently?

Lukas Korfel works in the industry Food Production.

Who are Lukas Korfel's colleagues?

Lukas Korfel's colleagues are Paul Jones, Paul Jones, Richard Navin, Richard Navin, James Hannon, James Hannon, Kristine Treiliba, Kristine Treiliba, Marius Cojocaru, Marius Cojocaru, and Olivia Seccombe. and Sophia Spendelow.

Who are Lukas Korfel's peers at other companies?

Lukas Korfel's peers at other companies are Lili Meng, Ajay Ramteke, Eduardo Aguilar, Susana Batista, Emrah Cicim, and John Dempsey. and Nicolás Morello. Lukas Korfel's peers at other companies are Lili Meng, Ajay Ramteke, Eduardo Aguilar, Susana Batista, Emrah Cicim, and John Dempsey. and Nicolás Morello.