Luis Padron

Luis Padron Email and Phone Number

Financial Analyst @ Bnp Paribas Fortis
brussels, brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest, belgium

Luis Padron's Contact Details

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Luis Padron's Current Company Details

Bnp Paribas Fortis

Financial Analyst
brussels, brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest, belgium

Luis Padron Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Luis Padron

What company does Luis Padron work for?

Luis Padron works for Bnp Paribas Fortis

What is Luis Padron's role in his/her workplace?

Luis Padron's role in his/her workplace is Financial Analyst.

Which industry does Luis Padron work in currently?

Luis Padron works in the industry Banking.

What is Luis Padron's email address?

Luis Padron's email address is

Who are Luis Padron's colleagues?

Luis Padron's colleagues are Jule Davis, Jule Davis, Marc Uyttenhove, Marc Uyttenhove, Alexander Jacques, Alexander Jacques, Paul-Etienne Cantinaux, Paul-Etienne Cantinaux, Aart Nuitten, Aart Nuitten, and David Gailliez. and Syl Bottecchia.

Who are Luis Padron's peers at other companies?

Luis Padron's peers at other companies are Ekaterina Demakova, Luciana Giurato, Jill Wingate, Steffen Olsen, Dmytro Zelenko, and Connectamericas Iadb. and Dipesh Chalise. Luis Padron's peers at other companies are Ekaterina Demakova, Luciana Giurato, Jill Wingate, Steffen Olsen, Dmytro Zelenko, and Connectamericas Iadb. and Dipesh Chalise.