Lucy Huang

Lucy Huang Email and Phone Number

Lucy Huang's Current Company Details

Quanzhou Sandoo Bags Co.,Ltd

Apparel & Fashion
My name is Lucy,Sales of Sandoo Bags Co.,Ltd.Sandoo is a professional manufacture for bag.I love making friends ,reading,travelling and so on.

Lucy Huang Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lucy Huang

What company does Lucy Huang work for?

Lucy Huang works for Quanzhou Sandoo Bags Co.,ltd

What is Lucy Huang's role in his/her workplace?

Lucy Huang's role in his/her workplace is Sales.

Which industry does Lucy Huang work in currently?

Lucy Huang works in the industry Apparel & Fashion.

What schools did Lucy Huang attend?

Lucy Huang attended Fujian Normal University.

Who are Lucy Huang's colleagues?

Lucy Huang's colleagues are Vikki Huang, Vikki Huang, Abby Guo, Abby Guo, Vikki Huang, Vikki Huang, Yozy Huang, Yozy Huang, Shirley Pan, Shirley Pan, and Hou Rita. and Jay Wu.

Who are Lucy Huang's peers at other companies?

Lucy Huang's peers at other companies are Michael Landes, Ramesh A, Elettra Gotti, Enrica Pegoraro, Tomiko Yokota, and Maria Arruda. and Andreas Van Ommen Kloeke. Lucy Huang's peers at other companies are Michael Landes, Ramesh A, Elettra Gotti, Enrica Pegoraro, Tomiko Yokota, and Maria Arruda. and Andreas Van Ommen Kloeke.