Lucia Samaon

Lucia Samaon Email and Phone Number

Referent @ Bnr Nieuwsradio

Lucia Samaon's Current Company Details

Bnr Nieuwsradio

Media Production

Lucia Samaon Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lucia Samaon

What company does Lucia Samaon work for?

Lucia Samaon works for Bnr Nieuwsradio

What is Lucia Samaon's role in his/her workplace?

Lucia Samaon's role in his/her workplace is Referent.

Which industry does Lucia Samaon work in currently?

Lucia Samaon works in the industry Media Production.

What is Lucia Samaon's role in his workplace?

Lucia Samaon has skills like Customer Service, Business Analysis, Business Strategy, Team Management, Financial Analysis, Sales, Risk Management, Microsoft Word, Banking, and Management.

Who are Lucia Samaon's colleagues?

Lucia Samaon's colleagues are Sameer Das, Sameer Das, Plamen Kostov, Plamen Kostov, Aurel Bejenaru, Aurel Bejenaru, Nzamutuma Ismael, Nzamutuma Ismael, Ileana Nita, Ileana Nita, and Silviya Emiryan. and Lucian Croitoru.

Who are Lucia Samaon's peers at other companies?

Lucia Samaon's peers at other companies are Sol Orduna, Roland Ruckstuhl, Mike Loustalot, Mahesh Kumar, Kimberly Wilson, and Abhishek Jindal. and Tom Brodzinski. Lucia Samaon's peers at other companies are Sol Orduna, Roland Ruckstuhl, Mike Loustalot, Mahesh Kumar, Kimberly Wilson, and Abhishek Jindal. and Tom Brodzinski.