Lisa Currie Email and Phone Number
Lisa Currie Work Experience
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Lisa Currie
What company does Lisa Currie work for?
Lisa Currie works for European Metal Recycling Limited
What is Lisa Currie's role in his/her workplace?
Lisa Currie's role in his/her workplace is Contract Administrator.
Which industry does Lisa Currie work in currently?
Lisa Currie works in the industry Utilities.
Who are Lisa Currie's peers at other companies?
Lisa Currie's peers at other companies are Josh Robertson, Trevor Buys, Thembi M, Laëtitia Le Bacq, Shabbir Rampurawala, and Denisse Elgueta. and Len Bilcowski. Lisa Currie's peers at other companies are Josh Robertson, Trevor Buys, Thembi M, Laëtitia Le Bacq, Shabbir Rampurawala, and Denisse Elgueta. and Len Bilcowski.