Leidy Riveros

Leidy Riveros Email and Phone Number

Auxiliar De Compras @ Colegio San Pedro Claver
bucaramanga, santander, colombia

Leidy Riveros's Current Company Details


Colegio San Pedro Claver

Auxiliar De Compras
bucaramanga, santander, colombia
Primary/secondary Education

Leidy Riveros Work Experience

  • colsanpedro.com
    Lider De Compras
    Integral Sti S.A.S May 18 - Jul 22 · 4 yrs 2 mos
  • colsanpedro.com
    Auxiliar De Compras
    Colegio San Pedro Claver Jun 22 - Present · 2 yrs 8 mos
    Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

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Frequently Asked Questions about Leidy Riveros

What company does Leidy Riveros work for?

Leidy Riveros works for Colegio San Pedro Claver

What is Leidy Riveros's role in his/her workplace?

Leidy Riveros's role in his/her workplace is Auxiliar De Compras.

Which industry does Leidy Riveros work in currently?

Leidy Riveros works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

Who are Leidy Riveros's colleagues?

Leidy Riveros's colleagues are Claudia Hernandez, Claudia Hernandez, Andrea Torres, Andrea Torres, Estefanía Ochoa, Estefanía Ochoa, Luis Almeida, Luis Almeida, William Herrera, William Herrera, and Fernando Florez. and Isabella Andrade.

Who are Leidy Riveros's peers at other companies?

Leidy Riveros's peers at other companies are Maria Ruanes, Kathleen Mcclure, José Pérez, Dale Storken, Sam Magid, and Arielle Roberts. and Jose Rodríguez. Leidy Riveros's peers at other companies are Maria Ruanes, Kathleen Mcclure, José Pérez, Dale Storken, Sam Magid, and Arielle Roberts. and Jose Rodríguez.